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Woodlands Park Primary School

Woodlands Park Primary School



At Woodlands Park Primary School, we use the Jigsaw programme of learning which supports and promotes our mindful approach to PSHE and Health and Well-being.

This enables us to ensure your child is taught all statutory areas of the Relationships and Health Education curriculum also. This scheme helps to equip your child with Personal, Social, Health Education, emotional literacy, social skills and spiritual development.

This happens via a one lesson a week approach, allowing children and teachers to build relationships with each other and allows their individual uniqueness to shine. This learning happens through; whole class discussions, paired work, small group activities, recording responses and oracy based outcomes.

The whole school work on the same termly theme (using their year group Jigsaw puzzle piece) and this is scaffolded to be made accessible and tailored to each individual year group and their needs/stage of development.

Introductory assemblies happen both in class and sit alongside whole school or key stage assemblies and embrace different events and themes during the academic year.