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- Tuesday 4th March - Dormice
- Wednesday 5 March - Dormice
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- Wednesday 5th March - Woodmice
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- Wednesday 5th March - Hedgehogs
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- Wednesday 5th March - Squirrels
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- Wednesday 5th March - Moles
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- Tuesday 4th March - Rabbits
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- Wednesday 5th March - Foxes
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- Wednesday 5th March - Pine Martens
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- Wednesday 5th March - Hares
- Thursday 6th March - Hares
- Monday 3rd March - Otters
- Tuesday 4th March - Otters
- Monday 3rd March - Wood Owls
- Wednesday 5th March - Wood Owls
- Monday 3rd March - Barn Owls
- Tuesday 4th March - Barn Owls
- Wednesday 5th March - Barn Owls
- Monday 3rd March - Eagle Owls
- Tuesday 4th March - Eagle Owls
- Wednesday 5th March - Eagle Owls
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