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Woodlands Park Primary School

Woodlands Park Primary School

Pupil Premium

The Pupil Premium Grant is funding provided to schools which is additional to main school funding to specifically benefit children who:

  • Are entitled to Free School Meals 
  • Have at any point in the last 6 years been entitled to Free School Meals
  • Are looked after children and have been in care for at least 6 months
  • Are the children of current Service Personnel
  • Are the children of Service Personnel at any point during the last 4 years. 

It is for schools to decide how the Pupil Premium is spent, since they are best placed to assess what additional provision should be made for the individual pupils within their responsibility. However, schools are to be held accountable for how they have used the additional funding to support pupils from low-income families. Schools are required to publish this information on the school website. 

At Woodlands Park Primary we allocate the funding across 3 key areas:

1. To provide high quality teaching and learning for our children  

Pupil Premium Grant Funding is used to support the school in providing high quality teaching and learning experiences for all children.

  • We will be using the funding to enable our staff to have opportunities to attend high quality professional training, which promotes quality learning experiences for our children.
  • We have used some of the funding to establish Accelerated Reader across the school and continue to ensure that we have high quality resources in place to deliver the Read, Write Inc phonics programme and Power Maths programme.
  • We have introduced the speech and language/reading support programmes.
  • We use Opening Worlds across all of KS2 to support with high quality History, Geography and RE teaching and learning. 
  • We have deployed additional Teaching Assistant support in targeted year groups to ensure that the needs of Pupil premium pupils are being fully met.
  • We will be using some of the funding to support training for teachers and teaching assistants.   

2. Targeted academic support 

In order to ensure that our children make at least good progress, we employ specific interventions to support those pupils who need additional support both inside and outside of the classroom.

  • This year we have employed extra teaching assistants to allow for 1-1 and small group support, both academically and having a pastoral focus. 
  • We use White Rose Maths as online support for pupils on a 1-1 basis.
  • We have a daily before school reading club, where our children can be heard reading as a 1-1 or as a small group.
  • We are also providing additional support for lower attaining readers and have purchased reading resources to support their needs.
  • In addition to this we also provide access to a range of external experts to support the emotional needs of our children across the school, through Plymouth MAST.
  • This year we have also employed a 0.5 Family Support Worker to provide additional support for pupils and families who need advice or help with accessing external services.
  • We have purchased new technology and IT packages to support with handwriting, reading and maths fluency.

3. Enrichment, Enhancement and wider strategies 

  • To ensure full participation and access to all activities, this year we will be using some of the funding to subsidise costings for residential visits and curriculum enhancement activities that take place over the year for Pupil Premium Pupils.  
  • We also offer discounted school uniforms.
  • We offer milk to all pupil premium pupils.
  • We offer discounted books from book sales.f
  • We continue to offer support to our children through Lego Therapy, Daisi Draw and Talk sessions and the use of the external company Pets and Picasso Animal Therapy.
  • We have a fortnightly Military Childrens Club run by 2 teachers with military links.

Impact of the Pupil Premium Fund on pupil's progress and attainment

Details regarding the allocation and spending of the Pupil Premium Grant at Woodlands Park Primary in the 2024/2025 academic year and the impact that it had upon supporting pupils last year, can be viewed via the information below.