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Woodlands Park Primary School

Woodlands Park Primary School

School Day



School Day



Foundation Stage

8.40 - 3.15 pm Continuous Provision 11.50am - 12.50 pm

Key Stage One

8.40 - 3.15 pm 10.00 - 10.15 am 11.50am - 12.50 pm

Lower Key Stage Two

8.40 - 3.20 pm 10.30 - 10.45 am 12.15 - 1.15 pm

Upper Key Stage Two

8.40 - 3.20 pm 11.00 - 11.15 am

12.15 - 1.15pm

  • We encourage all our children, from the very beginning, to be independent and take responsibility for their own belongings.  Parents can trust that as soon as their child starts with us, they will be supported to organise their own belongings and settle to early morning activities at the start of the school day.  
  • Pupils must not arrive until 10 minutes before school begins.  The school cannot take responsibility for any child on the premises outside of school hours (except for organised clubs).
  • Parents must ensure that children are dropped off to school from 8.40 am when the school gates open.  This is to make sure that all children are in school promptly ready for the start of the school day with registration at 8.50 am.  All teachers will open their classroom doors at 8.40 am to welcome in their children. 
  • For the safety of all children the following protocol is in place for the end of day procedures.  Foundation & KS1 children must be collected at their classroom doors; Years 3 & 4 children are not to walk home alone and must be met by a parent on the school premises at classrooms (their own or a siblings) or the school gate; Year 5 & 6 children are to meet parents on the school premises or with prior permission from the Headteacher allow their child to walk home.  Year 5 & 6 children should not be responsible for and are not to walk home any pupils in Years 4, 3, 2, 1 & Foundation Stage.  If the class teacher has not been informed by you as the parent/carer of any changes to the end of day, they will not let the child leave the school premises; this is in line with our safeguarding procedures.
  • Pupils must be collected promptly at the end of the school day, supervision by staff is not possible.  If a child is not collected by 4.30 pm and we are unable to make contact, the school will inform local agencies ie Police, Emergency Social Services.
  • As part of supporting a healthy lifestyle we encourage children to walk to school with their parents.  There is extremely limited parking near the school so if you do need to drive, please be considerate of our local residents and park a little distance from the school to avoid congestion and to ensure the safety of our children.  Please be advised that parking on the zig zag yellow lines directly outside the school is not permitted.