Attendance / Absence
Documentation for Reference
At the bottom of this page there are links to the following documents for guidance:
- Attendance Policy and Absence Request Form;
- Guidance on Infection Control in Schools ie exclusion periods for illnesses;
- Supporting Pupils at School with Medical Conditions & Administration of Medicines;
- Administration of Prescribe Medicines Form.
Absence Reporting (Illnesses)
If your child is unwell please phone the school each day before 9.00 am to record your child's absence (Tel: 01752 690046, Option 1). If we do not hear from you, we will make contact with you to confirm the absence as part of our safeguarding procedures. Please note if a reason is not given for your child’s absence each day it may be recorded as an unauthorised absence.
If your child has sickness or diarrhoea, they will be marked absent for 48 hours as per school policy. For this reason only you do not need to phone the school on the subsequent day. The 2 day exclusion period for sickness and/or diarrhoea is to stop the spread of infection within the school as detailed in the 'Guidance on Infection Control in Schools' document below.
Parents who wish prescribed medicines to be given to their child in school must give written permission for this to be done on an 'Administration of Prescribed Medicines' consent form available below. Any medicines will be administered by an authorised First Aider.
Prescribed medicines must be worked around the school day so parents/carers are asked to ensure that any medicine needed falls during break and/or lunchtime. Please note that we cannot administer creams or eye drops. Medication and inhalers must be in the original bottle with a spoon from the pharmacy and properly labelled. Parents/carers please be reminded that it is your responsibility to ensure that any medication kept in school for your child is regularly checked and in date.
Children are responsible for and permitted to self-administer sun creams in school. In exceptional circumstances we will allow named lip creams in school to be kept by the class teacher and administered when necessary.
Absence Requests (during Term Time)
Should families wish to apply for a leave of absence an S2 form can be collected from the school office or a copy can be found in the links below. This form should be completed for all absence requests including family holidays, unavoidable medical or dental appointments (appointments should be arranged out of school time where possible).
The completed request form should be given to the school office as far in advance as possible of the date required and should be completed by the parent/carer with whom the child normally lives.
If the form is for a medical appointment it should be accompanied by paperwork such as appointment letters (the office is happy to copy these for you). Alternatively a text confirmation of the appointment should be shown to a member of staff in the school office.
Parents will be given a copy of the authorised or unauthorised request by return. If the request is for an appointment the school will confirm this by text message.
Maximising Attendance
The law states that every child must receive a suitable education appropriate to their age, ability and needs. It is the responsibility of parents/carers to make sure that all their children of statutory school age are receiving an education. The overwhelming majority of parents/carers choose to send their children to school and having done so they are then required to ensure that they attend regularly.
The Government considers that children should attend school on every day the school is open for pupils unless there is an unavoidable cause such as illness or other exceptional circumstance. Parents should always provide the school with a reason for an absence. It is then the schools decision whether to record the absence as authorised or unauthorised.
The Government’s recommended figure is 96%. If a child’s attendance drops below 96% the School will contact parents/carers as early as possible to advise them of their child’s attendance/persistent lateness and provide appropriate support if required to help to improve the child’s attendance/punctuality.
If a pupil’s attendance drops below 96% a stage 1 attendance concern letter will be issued.
If a pupil’s attendance drops below 90% a stage 2 persistent absence concern letter will be issued.
If parents/carers fail, without a reasonable excuse, to ensure that their children attend regularly they can be prosecuted, or a Penalty Notice may be issued. The maximum penalty is a £2500 fine and/or imprisonment.
Devon County Council has commissioned Devon Educational Services to monitor school attendance and to support schools in their efforts to raise school attendance. The Education Welfare Service accepts referrals about individual children where the school has concerns about their attendance.
Further information can be found in the attendance policy below.
Educational Welfare Officer
Our Educational Welfare Officer is Rebecca Brooks.