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Woodlands Park Primary School

Woodlands Park Primary School

School Meals


1st Half of Term (Tuesday 7th January–Friday 14th February) - £73.37 - (29 DAYS)

2nd Half of Term (Monday 24th February - Friday 4th April) £75.90 - (30 DAYS)

FULL TERM - £149.27

The latest menu is available at the bottom of this page and is also available on the home page as a quicklink for ease.

Our School Meals are provided by Devon Norse 

A Joint Venture Company between Devon County Council and Norse Commercial Services, set up to provide caretaking, cleaning and school meals in Devon. This catering service meets the demand for quality, tailor made operations with the emphasis on healthy, fresh and locally sourced food.

Universal Infant Free School Meals -  The Government introduced Universal Infant Free School Meal's in September 2014 for Foundation Stage and Key Stage 1 children which automatically entitles them to a free school meal.  You do not need to apply for this when your child starts school.

Key Stage 2 School Meals - Children can choose to pay for a school meal or bring in their own packed lunch. If you would like your child to have a school meal, please pay online via ParentPay at

Income Related Free School Meals - If you think your child might be entitled to free school meals, due to your family circumstance then please apply online via the 'Citizen Portal' which is the quickest and easiest way and will result in you getting an instant decision.  Alternatively, call the Education Helpline on 0345 155 1019.  Further information can also be obtained on the Devon County Council website at:  If you qualify not only do you get free school meals but it also attracts additional extra funding 'Pupil Premium' to support your child’s education.  To get this extra funding you must still apply even if your child chooses not to have the free school meal as they prefer a packed lunch or is already receiving universal free school meals.

Online Payments for School Meals

The online payment facility is also available on the home page for quick reference.  You will need your username and password from your Activation Letter to access the ParentPay site at  If you encounter any problems please contact the school office who are happy to help.



Foundation Stage

12.00-1.00 pm

Key Stage One

12.10-1.10 pm

Lower Key Stage Two

12.30-1.30 pm

Upper Key Stage Two

12.30-1.30 pm